ICAME Journal 29


Computers in English Linguistics

No. 29 – April 2005

International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English
Aksis – The Department of Culture, Language and Information Technology



Bayan Abu Shawar and Eric Atwell A chatbot system as a tool to animate a corpus 5
Gunnar Bergh Min(d)ing English language data on the Web: What can Google tell us? 25
Winnie Cheng, Christopher Greaves and Martin Warren The creation of a prosodically transcribed intercultural corpus: The Hong Kong Corpus of Spoken English (prosodic) 47
Hendrik De Smet A corpus of Late Modern English texts 69
Geoffrey Leech and Nicholas Smith Extending the possibilities of corpus-based research on English in the twentieth century: A prequel to LOB and FLOB 83
Danny Minn, Hiroshi Sano, Marie Ino and Takahiro Nakamura Using the BNC to create and develop educational materials and a website for learners of English 99
Antonio Miranda-García and Javier Calle-Martín The validity of lemma-based lexical richness in authorship attribution: A proposal for the Old English Gospels 115
Amanda C. Murphy Markers of attribution in English and Italian opinion articles: A comparative corpus-based study 131
Andrew Wilson Modal verbs in written Indian English: A quantitative and comparative analysis of the Kolhapur corpus using correspondence analysis 151


Sylviane Granger, Jacques Lerot and Stephanie Petch-Tyson (eds.). Corpus-based approaches to contrastive linguistics and translation studies. 171
Stefan Thomas Gries Multifactorial analysis in corpus linguistics: A study of particle placement.


Susan Hunston Corpora in applied linguistics.


Pepi Leistyna and Charles F. Meyer (eds.). Corpus analysis. Language Structure and language use.


Norbert Schlüter Present perfect: Eine korpuslinguistische Analyse des englischen Perfekts mit Vermittlungsvorschlägen für den Sprachunterricht.


Anna-Brita Stenström, Gisle Andersen and Ingrid Kristine Hasund Trends in teenage talk. Corpus compilation, analysis and findings.


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